星野誠 makoto hoshino




「他人に過剰な期待を抱く」 「他人に過剰な要求をする」 「他人と自分を比較しすぎる」





Let Go of Others’ Judgments and Live Lightly: The Case for “Small Dependencies”

Our family consists of six members. Just six people, yet the kids are constantly arguing. Well, you could say they’re just really full of energy.

“Expecting too much from others,” “demanding too much from others,” and “comparing yourself too much to others”—these behaviors cause friction for both adults and children alike. But more than anything, this mindset is exhausting. That’s why it’s important to step back without hesitation. Taking a step back is an act of courage. Especially for husbands, never argue on equal footing with your wife. When your wife says something, step back immediately. Step back one step, even two steps, right away.

By the way, I’ve always loved being alone. But no matter how much you enjoy solitude, it’s not about avoiding all forms of dependency on others. Rather, life works better when you share small dependencies with many people. Maintaining small dependencies with others while letting go of “others’ judgments” and “pointless pride”—this might just be the key to living a cheerful and light-hearted life.


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