『きのう、火星にいきました ♡ 』
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いつかやるなら,最初にやろう! 人生に遊びと未知との遭遇を!
*“Yesterday, I Went to Mars ♡”*
**Introduction:** This blog is written with the hope that, after I’ve actually been to Mars, I can look back and fondly remember the challenges I faced along the way, as I aim toward the future in 2049.
My **dream** is to have as many experiences as possible that move my heart.
For example, traveling through space, spending time in the silence of nature, and being touched by its mysteries. Pushing the boundaries of the world to create unique and special spaces.
My **wish** is to become someone who can truly care for others. To live by valuing my senses, to have friends around the world whom I respect, and to spend my days with a wonderful family.
I want to **feel** freely, to trust my intuition, and enjoy the rhythm of the Earth. To set aside preconceived notions and simply embrace and enjoy what’s in front of me.
I cherish the dialogue with myself, continuously seeking the mysteries and origins of the universe. Above all, I am drawn to things that defy explanation.
With a longing for the unknown, as long as I have what’s most important, I wouldn’t mind losing everything else. Discovering something I’ve never known before is the greatest joy in life.
*“If you’re going to do it someday, do it now!”* Because in life, playfulness and encounters with the unknown are essential.
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講談社ムックの雑誌「フィナム」~ 死ぬまでにやりたいこと THE BUCKET LIST やらずに死ねるか! 巻頭4大特集 ~ のエベレストの項目に「普通の人代表」で取り上げいただきました。