星野誠 makoto hoshino










Not my hero, only my natural enemy.
Yesterday I made a terrible mistake. I completely forgot my wife’s birthday and our 15th wedding anniversary. As a result, she said to me: ‘You’re not my hero, just my natural enemy.

When I thought about it, I wondered what the anniversary was all about? I thought about it again. Every year on New Year’s Day, I have to renew my mind. We vow to be better this year, or set new goals. In fact, anniversaries are also very important milestones in our lives. Celebrating anniversaries is a good way to express gratitude to yourself and others.

If you forget your anniversary, you will be seen as lacking feeling and consideration for the other person. It may also cause you to hurt the people you love.

There are many milestones in life. Birthdays and wedding anniversaries are just as important as graduation, entrance examinations and club competitions. Surely, by celebrating these milestones, we can feel our growth and find new goals.

Anniversaries are days to give thanks. Anniversaries are special days that enrich our lives and strengthen our bonds with loved ones. Cherish life’s milestones and anniversaries.


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