「お客さんが飽きないことが本当の商い」 (君はなぜ働くのか)
Keeping customers happy is the real business
The year is already over. A year goes by in the blink of an eye. When you have been doing the same thing for years, it can start to feel monotonous and repetitive. That’s when it’s time to take a fresh look.
The real business is keeping customers happy.
From the text below.
The subject of business is the customer. The real business is keeping the customer happy. It doesn’t matter if you’re bored or not. No matter how bored you are, if the customers are not bored, it is important to keep on selling.
If you work hard at your job, you will always find it interesting. When that happens, people will naturally ask you to do more and more. This is what it means to be liked at work. When that happens, for the first time, people can do what they like and not have to do it.
After all, “for you” is the basis of work. Those who accumulate this “for you” will get income, and as a result they will become rich, in other words they will become formy, which means they will become rich.
Be grateful and passionate every day, even in a life that you may feel you take for granted!