楽器が弾けなくても音楽ができる?Native Instruments
今は楽器が弾けなくても音楽がパソコンで作れる時代。じゃあ自分もと目指し昨年買ったものの、まったく使いこなせてなかったNative Instrumentsのマシーン。小学生でも数百万のアクセルを稼ぐ音楽を作る子がいるということで、うちの子と改めて挑戦中。Native Instrumentsが、今ちょうど年末セール中だったので、音源を色々と買ってみた。
有料音源を購入、改めて使ってみたらすごい。たとえば音源cubaなどはキューバの伝統音楽で使用されるメロディー楽器、パーカッション楽器が色々と入っていて、適当に引いてもサマになる。これを本当に使いこなせたらすごいんだろう。この冬は今一度Native Instrumentsにチャレンジ!
These days you don’t need to play an instrument to make music on a computer. I bought a Native Instruments machine last year, but I never got around to using it. I heard that there are primary school children who can make music with millions of axes, so my daughter and I are trying again.
I bought some paid instruments and when I tried to use them again, they were amazing. For example, the sound source ‘cuba’ contains various melody and percussion instruments used in traditional Cuban music, and it looks great even if you just pull it out at random. It would be great if you could really master that. This winter, let’s learn DTM again!
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*“Yesterday, I Went to Mars ♡”*
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