星野誠 makoto hoshino




自転車を2−3時間漕いでいるのだけれど、その間、いつも何かしらの映画や動画を見ている。今日はNetflixのオバマ前大統領が出演している「Working: What We Do All Day ワーキング〜社会を創る”働く”の景色」を見た。




と何かの本で読んだけれど、「Working: What We Do All Day ワーキング〜社会を創る”働く”の景色」はまさにそんなことを考えさせられるシリーズものだった。



I ride my bike at home once a week for a race in Hawaii in November.

I ride for 2-3 hours and during that time I always watch some kind of film. Today I watched Working: What We Do All Day Working: on Netflix with former President Barack Obama.

There are four complete episodes: the first is about service jobs, the second is about the middle class, the third is about the ideal job and the fourth is about leader. The description reads: Some work just to make a living, others see it as a mission and a calling. A documentary series that explores what it means to work in today’s rapidly changing America” and for some reason the age limit is 13+.

After watching them all, I was reminded of how important it is to think for yourself, even if education is no longer necessary. Former President Obama’s father went from Kenya to the University of Hawaii on a scholarship and then to Harvard.

The essence of talent and taste is how deeply you think about what you are facing, whether or not you have a realistic knowledge of ‘mediocrity’.

Work: What We Do All Day Working: is a series that made me think about this very thing.


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