星野誠 makoto hoshino











Sleep and the autonomic nervous system.
I have been doing a lot of research on sleep lately and it seems that the autonomic nervous system is the most important.

The autonomic nervous system is the nerve that regulates breathing, metabolism, body temperature and internal organs 24 hours a day. And it is a nerve that cannot be directly controlled by the will.

When the sympathetic nervous system is dominant, blood pressure, pulse and body temperature rise and you can be active in sports, work, etc. When the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant, blood pressure, pulse and body temperature fall and you can rest, sleep and relax.

For a good night’s sleep, the sympathetic nervous system needs to subside and the parasympathetic nervous system needs to become dominant. And one more thing: the deep body temperature has to drop.

This is the temperature of the deeper parts of the body, such as the brain and organs, and is different from skin temperature, which is the temperature of the surface of the body. This deep body temperature is also controlled by the autonomic nervous system, and drowsiness occurs as the deep body temperature falls, and is lowest during sleep.

The autonomic nervous system is a nervous system that cannot be directly controlled, but it seems that adjusting lifestyle and stabilising the autonomic nervous system is the most important thing for sleep.


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