集団生活は子供時代には避けては通れないもの。他人と仲良くやっていくことを学ぶということは、しばしば他人と足並みを揃えて争いを避けることを意味する。 これは必ずしも悪いことではない。 さほど重要でないことに関しては、大多数に従うことで本当に重要なことのためにエネルギーを温存することができる。ただ、過剰な同調は潜在能力を制限し、成長を妨げる可能性がある。あまりにも同調しすぎると、自分にとって本当に重要なことが分からなくなり、最終的には真の充実感をもたらすものを忘れてしまう。
そして、若者は往々にして、自分自身のニーズを見落としがちだ。忙しいスケジュールの中で、自分にとって重要なことをないがしろにしてしまいがち。他人を優先して、あとから思い返しても、その時間何をしていたかまるで思い出せない。これはもったいない。なので、まず優先順位に自分自身を入れる。自己投資と休息のための時間を確保し、自分自身を過小評価しないようにしよう。 他者の期待に応えるよりも、自分の価値を尊重し、それを理解しない人とは境界線を引くようにしよう。
“Good Risk” “Bad Risk”
Embracing Growth and Staying True to Yourself
With four children in our family, discussions often revolve around individuality and navigating group dynamics.
Navigating Group Life
Group life is an unavoidable part of childhood, where learning to get along often means aligning with others to avoid conflicts. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. For matters that aren’t deeply important, following the majority can conserve energy for what truly matters. However, excessive conformity can limit personal growth. When we conform too much, we risk losing sight of our core values and the things that bring genuine fulfillment.
“Good Risk” “Bad Risk”
Even though my kids are young, we sometimes discuss the concept of “risk.” The common saying, “Life won’t change if you don’t take risks,” holds deep meaning. Yet, risk doesn’t mean testing courage recklessly. Tragic stories of risky stunts gone wrong illustrate “bad risks,” which are wasteful. Instead, focus on meaningful risks that bring value to life. To carve your own path, growth-oriented risks are essential. Thoughtful, purposeful risks open doors to self-improvement.
Prioritizing Yourself
In busy schedules, it’s easy to overlook personal needs. Putting others first can lead to moments when we wonder how we actually spent our time. So, prioritize yourself. Dedicate time for self-investment, rest, and resist undervaluing your worth. Instead of striving to meet others’ expectations, respect your own and set boundaries with those who don’t understand them.
The Curse of Knowledge
As we accumulate knowledge, we may become overly cautious, fearing failure and risk. This “curse of knowledge” can make bold action difficult. True learning often involves breaking down old beliefs to make space for new ideas, and this cycle of unlearning and relearning is essential for lifelong growth.
Staying True to Yourself
Even when others treat you unfairly or try to hold you back, stay grounded in your identity. Don’t allow negative emotions from others to change who you are. Sticking to your beliefs becomes a long-term strength, empowering you to grow confidently and walk your path.
Embrace growth with courage. By respecting your beliefs and taking meaningful risks, you can create a life that truly reflects who you are. Aim to set your own direction and walk a path that’s authentically yours.
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*“Yesterday, I Went to Mars ♡”*
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