星野誠 makoto hoshino







I want to go to space. But how should I proceed to reach that goal? When I think about how to get to space, if it’s for leisure, saving money might be the quickest way. But if you aim to go to space as a career, then it’s not about choosing the right field; it’s about having the “ability to master what you’re interested in and passionate about,” because space requires every kind of knowledge and expertise. Whatever field you choose, it’s crucial to find something you’re truly passionate about and pursue it relentlessly. It’s the power of mastering your interests that will pave the way to space.

Also, to take on the challenge of space, maintaining a mindset of continuous learning is essential. Focus on what’s in front of you now, and hone your ability to absorb knowledge and adapt to changes. In the end, it’s not about which path you choose, but about believing in yourself and continuing to challenge yourself. Have the courage to tackle uncharted territory without fearing failure. With this belief, I want to keep moving forward toward the future.


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– Will go to Mars Olympus –

– next journey Olympus on Mars through Space Travel –

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