星野誠 makoto hoshino





ありがたいことに自分もエベレスト挑戦中に多くの 「本物の方 」に出会った。深く尊敬する人々とのこれらの出会いは、今日の私を形成する上で重要な役割を果たした。これらの出会いがなければ、今の自分はない。





You Can’t Become Genuine Without Meeting the Genuine

“People can’t become genuine without meeting the genuine.”
“You can’t develop a great soul without encountering a great soul.” — Yasumasa Masahiro

We encounter many people in our daily lives, but among them are those “genuine individuals” who shake our hearts and have the power to change our lives.

For example, during my Everest challenge, I met many “genuine individuals.” These encounters, with people I deeply respect, have played a significant role in shaping who I am today. Without these encounters, I might not be the person I am now.

Meeting “genuine individuals” pushes you beyond your limits and provides opportunities to gain new perspectives. It also humbles you, as you inevitably confront your own immaturity and flaws.

I may not be someone with a wide social circle, but the idea that life is shaped by the people we meet is certainly true.


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