星野誠 makoto hoshino













This world is full of dead possibilities.

A hypothesis in the field of quantum mechanics, the many-worlds interpretation, or parallel worlds. In quantum mechanics it is said that until a subatomic particle is observed, its state is not determined. Unless you can see where a particle is, it exists in more than one place at the same time.

The famous ‘double-slit experiment’. In this experiment, a small particle, such as an electron, is fired at a plate with two slits. If the particle passes through only one of the slits, two lines should appear on the screen. If it does not, the particles behave like waves and form a complex pattern called an interference pattern. However, if you observe which slit they pass through, the interference pattern disappears and only two lines are visible! In other words, observation changes the behaviour of the particles.

This is another famous “Schrödinger’s cat” thought experiment. In this one, radioactive material, a Geiger counter and a bottle of poison gas are placed together in a box containing a cat. When the radioactive material decays, the Geiger counter reacts and the poison gas is released, killing the cat. However, until the box is opened and observed, the cat remains in an overlapping state of alive and dead. The idea is that one of the states is determined at the moment of observation.

In other words, the many-worlds interpretation holds that all possibilities are realised in the real world. In other words, that there are two worlds simultaneously, one in which the coin toss has come up heads and one in which the coin toss has come up tails.

These are not occult stories, these are quantum mechanics. It’s really exciting to think about these things. I can’t believe that there are infinite possibilities in the world until we observe something ourselves.

The film Interstellar is one of my favourite films and I watch it a lot, but it’s said to be a film full of quantum mechanics and physics, and I honestly don’t understand all of it. Quantum mechanics is said to have a lot of mysteries that have yet to be solved.

It’s kind of a relief to think about that. This world is full of countless possibilities that have died.


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