星野誠 makoto hoshino



Apple TV+で「ビリーアイリッシュ:世界は少しぼやけている」を見た。









Billy Irish: The world is a bit blurry
I watched ‘Billy Irish: the world is a little blurry’ on Apple TV+.

In yesterday’s blog I wrote that this is just the right spirit to live a healthy life in modern society without getting carried away by social media! I quoted the following from the manga ‘Mental Strength Beauty Shirakawa-san’.


Even if I’m a ‘disappointment’ in someone else’s eyes, it doesn’t matter because I love the person I made myself.

I think real strength is being able to say ‘I love myself’ even if someone else beats me, not ‘I won’t let anyone beat me’.


I was reminded that what ordinary people can get through with the above kind of spirit, but when you get to the point where you are a world star, it really becomes difficult to maintain your mental health.

I can somehow understand why world stars in the past have been addicted to drugs and alcohol. It is a really really really tough job!!


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