星野誠 makoto hoshino




1. 人生で大きな失敗をしそうになったらどうする?



2. なぜ宇宙旅行の会社をつくりたかったの?エベレストに登って思ったことは?



3. 今まで行った国はいくつ? 一番楽しかったところは?


4. 黒歴史を教えて! なんでもいいから、とにかく多く!


  • 学生時代、モテなかった(笑)。
  • ユーチューバーになれなかった。
  • 海外で運転中に逆走してしまい、現地のドライバーや周囲の人たちに怒涛の勢いで怒られた。
  • 海外で知らずに立ち寄った場所が、当時地球上最悪の治安の地域だった。
  • 山を走る大会にエントリーして現地に行ったら、大会は前日で終わっていた。
  • 予約した飛行機の便が前日だった。
  • チェックインまで済ませ、ゲート前まで行ったのに、酔っ払って寝てしまい、目の前で飛行機を見送った。
  • 現地で宿を予約したら、自分の帰国後の日を予約していた(今でも結構ある)。
  • 飛行機の名前を間違えて予約し、乗れなかった。
  • 家族旅行で、なぜか自分の便だけトンボ返りで即座に帰国する便を予約していた。
  • 製品を心から愛するユーザーだとクレームを言ったら、実はスイッチが入っていなかっただけだった。
  • 「お風呂が使えない!」と大騒ぎしたら、ただ水道の元栓が閉まっていただけだった。
  • 大変お世話になった先輩の恩師の指示に従っていたら、3,000万円の借金を背負いそうになった。


5. どうしたらそんなに親子で仲良くなれるの?



6. 会社の名前はなぜ自分の名前にしたの?


7. 挑戦して失敗したときどうする?


8. 海外経験はありますか?


  • バックパッカーで37か国を旅した。
  • インドネシアで会社経営した。
  • 香港で眼鏡店を開いた。


9. 仕事で一番やらかしたことは?


10. 一番成功したことは?


11. 今の仕事に決めたのはなぜ?


12. 中学生・高校生のときの部活は?

  • 中学:陸上部(でも、ほぼ帰宅部)。
  • 高校:部活なし(その代わりにバイトしてました)。

13. 仕事で大変なことは?楽しいことは?

大変なこと → お店を続けるために資金繰りが求められること。小さなスタッフさんたちを養っているので、あまり適当にはできないこと。でも、実はめちゃくちゃ適当なこともあります。

楽しいこと → すべてを自分で決められること。稼げるのも、稼げないのも自分の責任です。そんな状態だと、学びが義務ではなくなり、仕事と遊びの境界がなくなります。毎日の英語学習も、遊びのためのツールをコツコツ作っている感じです。あと、新しい技術を学ぶことも、僕にとっては仕事であり遊びです。これが誰かに言われてイヤイヤだと、義務になってしまう。ここが一番のポイントかもしれません。

14. 行った国の中で一番楽しかったところは?






Answering Middle Schoolers’ Dreams and Questions

Today, I’m continuing to draft my talk for my daughter’s middle school. I’ve received so many questions from the students, and they’ve really made me think about everyone’s “dreams.” Dreams come in so many shapes and sizes—I’m reminded of that again. Whether you have a dream or are still searching for one, both are totally fine. What matters is understanding “what excites you.” Below, I’ll answer the questions one by one, reflecting on my life and experiences. I hope readers can feel inspired or find some hints here, too.

1. What do you do if you’re about to make a huge mistake in life?

If I’m about to make a big mistake, the first thing I do is calmly think, “Why am I about to fail?” For instance, during my Everest climb, there were moments when I thought, “If I keep going like this, I might die.” In those cases, I focused solely on, “How can I survive?” I’d cut out everything else, prioritize, and push through with a single-minded focus.

If I do fail big time…
I see it as, “This is a huge learning opportunity.” Looking back, failures often become, “That’s how I grew.” Without failure, we can’t truly grow as humans. In fact, not failing might be the real failure. That said, I need to reflect seriously each time—I tend to repeat mistakes, but I’m learning.

2. Why did you want to start a space travel company? What did you think after climbing Everest?

I’ve always loved space and wanted to “break free from Earth.” Going to space felt like the ultimate human adventure, so I wanted to be part of that world and started a company. But the business didn’t work out, and it failed after three years (laughs). Still, I see it as temporary—I’m determined to try again, and I actually have a company set up now, so I don’t consider it a failure in my mind.

Climbing Everest taught me, “If I focus with total single-minded determination, I can achieve what I want.” I had zero climbing experience before, but I summited the Seven Summits in three years. I realized, “If I truly want something (and cut out all other priorities—that’s key), humans can do anything.” In other words, prioritizing and choosing what matters is crucial. You can’t do everything at once.

3. How many countries have you visited? What was your favorite place?

More than 50 countries! I have fond memories of Antarctica’s blue skies, Turkey’s plains, and many other places, but the one that still stands out is the Moroccan desert, which I visited as a backpacker. At night, it’s completely silent, and the sky fills with a blanket of stars. It felt like, “I’m on Earth, but it’s like being in space.”

4. Tell us about your embarrassing moments! As many as possible!

I’ve got tons (laughs). Here are a few…

  • Back in school, I wasn’t popular with girls (laughs).
  • I tried to become a YouTuber but failed.
  • While driving overseas, I accidentally drove the wrong way and got yelled at furiously by local drivers and bystanders.
  • I unknowingly wandered into what was, at the time, the most dangerous area on Earth security-wise.
  • I entered a mountain running race, showed up on the wrong day, and found out the event had ended the day before.
  • I booked a flight for the day before my intended travel date.
  • I checked in for a flight, made it to the gate, but fell asleep drunk and missed the plane right in front of me.
  • I booked a hotel for the day after I’d already left the country (and it still happens sometimes).
  • I mixed up flight names in my booking and couldn’t board.
  • On a family trip, I somehow booked a return flight for myself that turned around immediately after arriving.
  • I complained as a “devoted user” about a product, only to realize the switch wasn’t turned on.
  • I freaked out because “the bath wasn’t working!”—turns out, the main water valve was just off.
  • Following my mentor’s advice (a senior I deeply respected), I nearly took on a 30 million yen debt and almost brought down a company.

Embarrassing moments happen to everyone. The best thing is to laugh them off and move on!

5. How can you and your family be so close?

I make it a point to “express love openly, especially within family.”
For example, I tell my wife every day, “You’re so cute, so cute,” and try to say, “You’re awesome!” to my kids as much as possible.

Also, though I’m not fully there yet, I think it’s important to create “shared joys” with my kids. Since I love traveling, I make it a habit to take each child on one-on-one trips. Plus, I often talk about space with them—maybe a bit one-sidedly (laughs).

6. Why did you name your company after yourself?

“To avoid doing anything embarrassing.” I named it “Makoto Eyewear” because I thought, “If my name is the company name, I can’t mess up.” I wanted to take responsibility for my life, so I intentionally used my name. It’s like, anonymously I might say harsh things, but with my real name, I can’t—I feel accountable.

7. What do you do when you fail after taking on a challenge?

I see it as “the start of the next challenge.” In fact, I believe you can’t even start unless you fail. For instance, I failed with my space travel company, but I consider that stepping onto the starting line. The company still exists for me, so I don’t see it as a failure. Those experiences might be why my eyewear business succeeded. I think of failure not as a setback, but as a starting point.

8. Have you had overseas experiences?


  • I backpacked through 37 countries.
  • I ran a company in Indonesia.
  • I opened an eyewear shop in Hong Kong.

Traveling overseas helps you realize “what’s normal in Japan isn’t normal everywhere,” and I highly recommend it! For example, you might find traffic lights on the ground instead of poles, or different ways to store luggage instead of coin lockers—little discoveries that enrich your perspective.

9. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made at work?

I was asked to take on a job unrelated to eyewear, ended up with a 30 million yen debt, and nearly bankrupted the company. I learned to firmly say no, even to a mentor’s advice, if something feels off. Trusting my own judgment became crucial.

10. What’s your greatest success?

Climbing Everest and participating in ultraraces made me think, “People worldwide aren’t that different from me after all.” Growing up, I felt awe and inferiority toward foreigners, influenced by Hollywood movies. But seeing physically strong people chicken out or lack persistence showed me that what matters is heart, not race. Backpacking casually across the world, I carried some unrecognized insecurity due to my limited English, but now I feel none of that.

11. Why did you choose your current job?

I started with a space venture but failed. Then, I picked from my “things I want to do” list, counted, and ended up sticking with eyewear for now. That’s how it happened.

12. What clubs were you in during middle and high school?

  • Middle school: Track and field (but I was basically a homebody).
  • High school: No clubs (I worked part-time instead).

13. What’s hard about your job? What’s fun?

Hard things → Keeping the shop running requires constant fundraising. Supporting a small team means I can’t be too careless—though I actually can be pretty laid-back (laughs).
Fun things → Being able to decide everything myself. Whether I earn or lose money, it’s all on me. That makes learning feel less like an obligation and blurs the line between work and play. Daily English practice feels like building tools for fun, and learning new tech is both work and play for me. If someone forced me to do it grudgingly, it’d become a chore—keeping it personal is key.

14. What was your favorite place among the countries you’ve visited?

The Moroccan desert. It felt like “nothing is there, yet everything is”—a truly mysterious experience.


Seeing everyone’s dreams reminded me, “It’s okay whether you have a dream or are still searching for one.” As a kid, I dreamed of going to space, tried many things, and ended up running an eyewear shop. I still don’t know what’s next, and I see this as just one scene in my life. In fact, I’m still serious about going to space. What matters is “trying anything you’re even a little interested in now.” If you try something and think, “This is it!” you can keep going. If not, just find the next thing. I’m excited for everyone’s future!


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