星野誠 makoto hoshino

メガネと冒険の小さなヒント– 日々の日常から



1. どのような筋トレをしますか?


  • 現在: 月曜日と水曜の朝は5kmのスイムでスタート。仕事中は、足に8kg、身体に10kgのウェイトをつけて動くようにしています。日常の動きを鍛えることで、効率的に体力を維持できるんです。
  • エベレストを目指していた時: 20kgの荷物を背負って30階の階段を往復するトレーニングをしたり、香港のビクトリアピークを毎朝往復しました。これが、高山での過酷な環境に耐える力をつけてくれました。


2. 一番印象に残った国は?


3. なぜ眼鏡屋になろうと思ったのですか?



4. 色々なことに挑戦するにはどうしたらいいですか?


  • 宣言する(「やります!」と言ってしまう)。
  • 周りを巻き込む(応援してくれる人を増やす)。
  • 失敗を恐れない(やってみて違ったら、また別の道を探せばいい)。


5. マラソンを通して学んだことは?


6. 今まで登った山で印象的だったのはどこ?


7. どんなことにチャレンジしましたか?

  • エベレスト登頂(7大陸最高峰制覇)。
  • ゴビ砂漠250kmマラソン完走。
  • トライアスロン(アイアンマンレース完走)。
  • 宇宙旅行事業の立ち上げ(失敗)。
  • インドネシアで会社経営。
  • 香港で眼鏡店を開業。
  • そして今、火星登頂を目指しています!


8. 次に行きたい国はどこ?


9. 火星の山に登ったら何をしたい?


10. サウナ好きですか?


11. あなたは今幸せですか?






Little Hints on Eyewear and Adventure – Reflections from Daily Life

This week, I was invited to speak at my daughter’s middle school. The students’ questions prompted me to reflect on my own life and passions, so I’ve put together a draft of my talk. I’m also sharing it here to organize my thoughts for myself.

1. What kind of strength training do you do?

Actually, I seldom think of my routines as “training” per se. Instead, I try to make my daily activities count as exercise.

  • Currently: On Monday and Wednesday mornings, I start my day with a 5 km swim. During work, I wear 8 kg on my legs and another 10 kg on my body so that everyday movements become a workout in themselves.
  • When I was aiming for Everest: I trained by carrying 20 kg up and down 30 flights of stairs and also hiked up and down Victoria Peak in Hong Kong every morning. That helped me develop the endurance needed for the extreme conditions at high altitudes.

I’ve come to realize that small, daily efforts support larger challenges down the road.

2. Which country left the biggest impression on you?

I’ve traveled to many countries, but going to India for the first time as a student turned my world upside down. People seemed happy even though they appeared to have very little; there was an odd sense of order within the chaos. It really made me think, “What actually matters in life?” That trip laid the foundation for my later pursuits and values.

3. Why did you decide to become an optician?

Back in high school, a friend wore thick black-rimmed glasses, imitating Liam Gallagher from Oasis. I was shocked by how drastically one pair of glasses could transform someone’s look. That moment sparked my love of eyewear.

Ever since, I’ve tried on thousands of frames. Glasses, I believe, are more than just tools to correct vision; they can change someone’s impression and bring out their smile. Even a simple design can help you discover a new version of yourself. If your glasses change, so does the world you see. That possibility fascinates me, and it keeps me seeking out new eyewear.

4. How do you take on so many challenges?

My key principle is “Just do it anyway.” Overthinking leads to anxiety and fear, so the key is making that initial move.

  1. Make a declaration (“I’m doing this!”).
  2. Get others on board (find supporters).
  3. Don’t fear failure (if it doesn’t work out, look for another path).

Starting small often leads to big achievements in the end.

5. What have you learned from marathons?

I’ve done marathons, triathlons, and even the 250 km Gobi Desert Ultra. The biggest lesson: the sense of accomplishment after pushing through pain. When you reach what you think is your limit, can you take one more step? That moment is crucial in everyday life as well. Believing “I can still go further” when you think you can’t—that’s what changes your life.

6. Which mountain you’ve climbed left the greatest impact?

Conquering Everest (as part of the Seven Summits) is, of course, huge. But the one that stands out the most is Aconcagua in South America (6,962 m). It was my first time experiencing such severe difficulty with high-altitude adaptation. Simply taking one step in that thin air felt like a life-or-death challenge. I’ve never forgotten how harsh it was.

7. Which challenges have you taken on so far?

  • Everest summits (completing the Seven Summits).
  • Finishing the 250 km Gobi Desert Ultra.
  • Triathlons (Ironman races).
  • Attempting a space travel venture (which failed).
  • Running a company in Indonesia.
  • Opening an eyewear shop in Hong Kong.
  • Now, aiming to reach Mars!

Failures and all, every challenge has helped me grow.

8. Which country do you want to visit next?

The North and South Poles. I’ve been to Antarctica once, but I haven’t completed the “Adventurers Grand Slam” (the Seven Summits plus the North and South Poles). So I’d love to make my way to both poles in the future.

9. If you climb a mountain on Mars, what would you do there?

My ultimate goal is to climb Olympus Mons on Mars (altitude 27,000 m). If I manage that, I’d proudly declare I have “the highest-altitude eyewear shop in the solar system” and open a glasses store on Mars. The idea of being Earth’s first interplanetary optician is just too fun to ignore!

10. Do you like saunas?

I’m not a big fan of saunas, but I’ve become hooked on cold plunges. I started doing it to build resistance for swimming long stretches in open water—like training to cross a strait without a wetsuit in 14°C water for over 10 hours. Getting accustomed to cold conditions helps tremendously.

11. Are you happy right now?

I’m human, so of course I have emotional ups and downs. Sometimes I get irritated, lose my temper, or take my blessings for granted. But being able to do what I love, having my family, and continuing to take on challenges—those things do make me feel truly fortunate. I just want to make sure I don’t become numb to how happy I really am.

Final Thoughts and Message

Preparing for this talk at my daughter’s middle school turned into a chance for me to reflect on my past and think about my future. I’m incredibly grateful for this opportunity and hope that sharing my experiences may resonate with some of these students. I’ll keep refining my presentation, striving to make it meaningful.


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