「一生懸命に真面目に働くこと」だけが人生じゃない。遊びの中からどれだけ仕事を見つけられるか、その発見こそが、毎日を面白くしてくれる。 そうして、仕事が遊びになり、遊びが仕事になる。気が付けばその繰り返しが日常を豊かにしてくれる。そんなスパイラルは最高だ。
よくアーリーリタイアとかFIRE(Financial Independence, Retire Early)とかいわれているけれど、むしろ心と体によくない気がする。心と体の健康には「定年」なんて必要ないんじゃないか。80歳になっても90歳になっても100歳になっても、「私の人生、まだまだこれからだ!」そう思いながら過ごしたい。
Staying Playful at Any Age
How much work can we find within our play? This is the perspective I want to keep, to live each day to its fullest. I want to live in a way that lets me say, “Today is the best day yet,” and to always feel that “Life is just beginning!”
My fifth-grade daughter is the type who is easily moved by the things she sees. When she encounters something new or sees a beautiful view, her eyes sparkle with genuine excitement as she exclaims, “Wow!” Seeing her reactions makes me happy too, and it makes me want to take her to even more places. Curiosity is essential in life, isn’t it? The ability to be open-hearted, expressive, and pure—these are the treasures that make life joyful.
On the other hand, when I see people who constantly complain or give up too easily, I can’t help but think, “You won’t find joy that way.” Play, too, takes creativity and energy. To truly enjoy each day and create your own excitement, you need a flexible heart and a sense of curiosity.
For instance, as an optician, I choose glasses that make me think, “Wearing these would make any day more fun!” Or when I pick out clothes, I go for pieces that lift my mood and make me look forward to going out. These little choices are part of my “play,” fueling my energy and brightening my days. Keeping that playful mindset in my daily life brings a positive influence to my work and my overall happiness.
Life isn’t just about “working hard and being serious.” It’s about discovering how much work we can find within our play. That discovery makes each day more interesting, and eventually, work becomes play, and play becomes work. Before you know it, that cycle enriches your everyday life. That kind of spiral is the best!
People often talk about early retirement or FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early), but I feel like having a “retirement” isn’t necessarily good for the mind or body. For mental and physical well-being, maybe “retirement” isn’t needed at all. Even at 80, 90, or 100, I want to live thinking, “My life is still just beginning!”
And, no matter how old I get, I want to stay as someone who is charming and who has a heart that can still be moved by the world. I want to break down the walls between work and play and embrace freedom in enjoying life. Finding work within our play and living with that excitement—maybe that’s the key to a truly fulfilling life.
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*“Yesterday, I Went to Mars ♡”*
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