星野誠 makoto hoshino





たとえば、僕のお店での経験。メガネ屋をはじめて、15年。ありがたいことに、たくさんのお客様が来店してくださるけれど、残念ながら、すべての方がリピーターになってくれるわけではない。15年ほど常に通い続けていただけるお客様となると、本当に本当に貴重! 最初から全てがうまくいくなんてありえない。真の関係を築くには数え切れないほどの試行錯誤が必要。





Most of Your Efforts Will Miss the Mark

When you’re working hard, it’s easy to believe that “effort will always be rewarded.” But in reality, it’s not that simple. From my own experience, I’ve learned that 90% of your efforts might miss the mark. However, it’s this accumulation of missed attempts that eventually builds something worthwhile.

In any job, you might fail 9 out of 10 times. The key is how you handle those 9 failures on your way to that one success. By persisting through 10 or even 100 attempts, you gradually master your work and earn trust.

Take my experience in running a store as an example. I’ve been in the eyewear business for 15 years now. I’m fortunate to have many customers visit, but not all of them become repeat clients. Those who do keep coming back for 15 years are incredibly rare and precious. It’s never perfect from the start; it takes countless trials and errors to build a genuine relationship.

That’s why even the efforts that seem futile are important in any job. Those seemingly wasted efforts eventually become your strength and help build trust. If you expect all your efforts to boomerang back with immediate rewards, you’ll end up discouraged. But that accumulation of seemingly pointless efforts ultimately forms the foundation for your success.

In the end, any job comes down to persistence. 90% of your efforts may seem wasted, but it’s that remaining 10% that fuels your next steps. So today, I’ll keep taking small, steady steps forward with a bit of courage.


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