星野誠 makoto hoshino









子どもたちが健全な自己評価を維持しながら、同級生たちの違いを認識し、受け入れることができるようにするには、慎重なバランスが必要で、それを達成するのは非常に難しそうだ。 子供4人、運動会シーズンを迎え、そんなことを考えた。



Is First Place Unnecessary? The Hidden Pitfalls of Equality in Education

I have four children, and right now, it’s the school sports festival season.

Recently, some schools have started adopting a method in events like running races where all the children cross the finish line at the same time. The idea behind this initiative is to prevent children from becoming overly focused on rankings and to reduce the stress associated with competition. But does this form of “equality” really have a positive impact?

The goal of this approach is to boost the self-esteem of children, especially those who aren’t naturally athletic. By ensuring that all children share the experience of “success,” the hope is that no one will feel inferior or left out. This is understandable, especially in the context of elementary and middle schools where athletic ability often determines a child’s social standing, sometimes to the exclusion of other talents.

However, doubts remain. While it might seem that equality is being maintained by having everyone aim for the same goal, in reality, this could lead to dissatisfaction among children with higher abilities. If their efforts go unrewarded, they might feel that this surface-level equality actually creates a sense of unfairness, potentially intensifying feelings of jealousy and frustration.

Moreover, as equality is emphasized, children may become more sensitive to even the smallest differences between themselves and others. When everyone receives the same education and opportunities, any failure to succeed is often attributed to one’s own abilities or lack of effort. This can lead to self-doubt and amplify feelings of envy.

As an adult who has participated in various races around the world, I’ve come to accept and respect that some people are simply exceptional. But for children, it might not be so easy to come to terms with these differences.

Ensuring that children can maintain a healthy self-assessment while recognizing and accepting differences among their peers requires careful balance, but it seems incredibly difficult to achieve. As the parent of four children during the sports festival season, these are the thoughts that come to mind.


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