星野誠 makoto hoshino






「稼ぐこと」より「使うこと」への転換。稼ぐことや手に入れることばかりに気を取られるのではなく、自分にとって本当に価値のあるものを見つけ、そのために使うこと。 新しい未来を切り開く鍵は、「どう稼ぐか」ではなく、「どう使うか」を深く考えることにあるのかもしれない。



What Is the True Value of Money? Why Spending Is More Important Than Earning

I’ve been running my eyewear stores in Shinjuku and Ginza for 15 years, and I’m incredibly grateful for the many fascinating customers who visit. Today, at the Shinjuku store, a customer shared an interesting perspective with me. He explained that when you’re in a position at a large corporation where you can manage huge budgets, how you spend money becomes a key factor that influences your impact and results. He always prioritizes “how to spend” rather than “how to earn,” constantly thinking about spending more than making money.

Furthermore, he mentioned that if you focus solely on making a profit, it’s easier to just keep doing the same thing. While repeating a proven successful method might make it easier to continue earning, it’s hard to create new value or drive change that way.

Relying on safe and established strategies might be a reliable way to keep earning, but it can stifle creativity and limit the potential for new opportunities. This is something I’ve been feeling strongly about recently.

Shifting the focus from “earning” to “spending.” Instead of being consumed by the pursuit of earning or acquiring, it’s about finding what holds true value for you and using your money for that. The key to unlocking a new future might not lie in focusing on “how to earn” but rather in deeply considering “how to spend.”


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