先日発表されたBMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicineで公開されたニュージーランドで行われた研究で、夕方の自重トレーニングが睡眠時間を約30分増やす可能性が示されたていた。
A study recently published in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine conducted in New Zealand suggested that evening bodyweight training could potentially increase sleep duration by about 30 minutes.
One day, we hear that intense exercise before bed is bad, and the next day, a new study claims that “evening exercise might actually increase sleep time.”
In the end, the most important thing is to listen to your body. It’s less about which study is correct and more about how you feel and how it affects your life. If you try exercising in the evening and sleep well, that might be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if your sleep becomes shallow, try exercising at a different time. Just like how we’ve heard that milk is bad for you, only to later find out it might be good, information is always changing.