星野誠 makoto hoshino



アリゾナ州スコッツデールでは、新しい世代の犯罪対策用ドローンが導入されようとしているとのこと。これは、フロック・セーフティ(Flock Safety)という会社とエアロドーム(Aerodome)というスタートアップ企業が共同で提供するらしい。







A new generation of crime-fighting drones is about to be unveiled in Scottsdale, Arizona. It will apparently be provided jointly by a company called Flock Safety and a start-up called Aerodome.

There was a scene in a recent Netflix movie about a police drone, and that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
The drone will work in conjunction with Flock Safety’s cameras and gunshot detection system so that if it detects a stolen vehicle or one associated with an AMBER Alert, it can be dispatched to the scene at the touch of a button.
Note that many opponents seem to oppose the idea on privacy grounds. For example, unwarranted surveillance of individuals. Personally, I don’t think police drones are a problem at all.

Nowadays, unfortunately, drones are also a very important key factor in warfare, and drone experts are in great demand. I’ve had a drone myself since the early days, but I haven’t been able to fly it at all, even for personal use, since the regulations came into force, but it might be a good idea to learn about drones again.


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