星野誠 makoto hoshino



トランプ氏が副大統領候補に指名した、現在39歳 J.D.ヴァンス氏がすごい!






ヴァンス氏のストーリーは、多くの人々にインスピレーションを与え、彼の政治的メッセージが広く知られるようになったという。あの映画しか見ていない にわかファンの自分さえ感銘を受けているのだから、ヴァンス氏が自己の経験をもとにした強いリーダーシップとカリスマ性を持ち、これが彼の支持基盤を強化したというのは、うなづける。





Trump’s VP pick, now 39, J.D. Vance, is amazing!

J.D. Vance was nominated as a vice presidential candidate by Trump himself. Trump nominated J.D. Vance as a key move to expand his ‘MAGA’ movement, appreciating Vance’s populist economic policies and his relationship with the libertarian faction in Silicon Valley. They also saw Vance’s subsequent support for Trump, despite having once been critical of him, as an important factor in demonstrating loyalty and adaptability.

This J.D. Vance, a true symbol of the modern American dream, the 39-year-old Iraq War veteran and Yale Law School graduate, published a bestselling book about his experiences, Hillbilly Elegy. The book, which chronicles the struggles of working-class Americans, has now been made into a Netflix film, and is widely regarded as his own story of success from poverty.

‘Hillbilly Elegy’ shows that you don’t normally come out of a childhood like Vance’s, the turmoil in the family, such a difficult environment. Now I’m ashamed of myself for saying that I didn’t need schoolwork, that I didn’t have to go to school if I didn’t like it and so on. I took my education for granted, but I am reminded of how valuable and important education is for people with backgrounds like his. Mr Vance studied political science and philosophy at Ohio State University. He then volunteered for the Marines in Iraq. He went on to Yale Law School. He really studied a lot.

He says his grandmother was very important to him, even though he only saw the film, and that she had a strict but deep love for him and taught him the importance of education.

Mr Vance continued to learn after his studies and developed strong relationships with the libertarian faction in Silicon Valley, with influential figures such as Peter Thiel and David Sachs. These connections have provided Vance with significant financial support for his political career. This has allowed him to gain financial stability and build an influential network.

Mr Vance’s story has inspired many people and his political message is widely known. Even I, a casual fan who has only seen the J.D. Vance film, am impressed, so it is no surprise that Mr Vance has a strong leadership and charisma based on his own experiences, which has strengthened his support base.

Mr Vance’s success is the result of a combination of his inner strength, supportive personality, passion for education, influential network and charisma and leadership. When I hear the story of the ‘Mere Old Man’, I feel ashamed of myself for downplaying the fact that my educational background is meaningless.

I know it’s unfortunate that I compare myself to others, but when I see how much he has achieved at the age of 39, I have to work even harder. He may be just starting out, but the miracles of his life so far will surely give hope and inspiration to many.


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