星野誠 makoto hoshino









Now that I am 45 years old, I suddenly look back at my daily life and see that I am unconsciously trapped by self-imposed limits, restrictions, public opinion and the eyes of other co-workers. It is a strange situation where I unconsciously put in place stupid worldly things and other people’s eyes to bind and control me. It is as if I am setting up useless checkpoints on my daily behaviour. What a waste of energy!

This stupid accumulation of my own thoughts makes it difficult for me to take action, I was writing a 10-year diary and thinking if I were 35 now, if I were 25 now, could I do this, etc., and then I realised that when I was 25, I was 25, I was putting stupid public and other people’s eyes on me, binding me, and I realised that I was monitoring myself.

If I don’t work, I don’t work. That’s fine. If I go to a new place, I go. That’s fine.

I am the one who has the final say in my life, but I have made a lot of my decisions based on my current situation and what the world thinks of me.

To avoid regrets when you look back in ten years’ time, it is good enough to do things that are criticised by those around you. Don’t let routine rule your life


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