星野誠 makoto hoshino











Today I have been to Miura Beach. Miura Beach is not far from Itabashi. If change trains at Mita, I can get there on one line. It’s very close, but if I don’t think about going there, it’s not easy to go. But this time, when I went there for the first time in a long time, it was really nice.

First of all, when I arrived at Miura Beach, I felt really good. The atmosphere of the city is completely different. Of course, the sea is great too, because I don’t see the sea in my everyday life. Also the pleasure of talking face to face, which I can’t experience in online meetings or messages.

Anyway, it was a very productive day. Everyone talked about their backgrounds and the businesses they had set up. Listening to these stories reminded me of the importance of trying new things, even if you don’t know how to do them.

When we think about starting something, we often think that it will be hard, that it would be more rewarding to keep doing what we are doing, or that it would be easier to do our current job than to do something like this. But if we think like that, we will never be able to do anything new. Listening to this talk, I was reminded of the importance of daring to try things that are not worth the cost.

After all, I never know what will suit you in the first place. And I don’t know if it will work until I try it.
I learned a lot from that trip to the Miura coast and from the stories of the locals. If I don’t do something that seems like a pain in the ass and doesn’t seem worth it, a new world will never open up to me.


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