星野誠 makoto hoshino

破壊的なARコマース。Apple vison proが日本でも発売


今週、Apple vison proが日本でも発売だ。小売店をやっている自分は常に「ARコマース」について興味がある。SF映画などだと、ARグラスなどで、目にした商品をその場で購入できるシーンがよくあるけれど、それが遅かれ早かれくるはず。



ARグラスというと、まず思い浮かぶのはオキュラス。実際、自分もARはオキュラス初代から所有、現在はQuest 3を所有しているけれど、ARコマースからはまだ程遠い。

オキュラスを買収して、社名を変えたMeta。今週Apple vison proを日本でも発売するApple。
発売日にApple Store銀座を予約し、購入できる体制にはしているものの、60万は高いなあと、未だ購入を迷っている自分。




This week the Apple vision pro goes on sale in Japan.

As a retailer, I’ve always been interested in ‘AR commerce’: in sci-fi movies, you often see scenes where you can buy products on the spot using AR glasses, etc. This should come sooner rather than later.

It would be a great idea to start a whole new shopping experience where you can buy products you see in your everyday life in real time. If you see an item you are interested in on the street, you can see the price on the spot through AR glasses and buy it immediately. Once this becomes the norm, there will be no going back to traditional web shopping. Once you experience that immediacy, you will never go back.

Although not AR commerce, YouTube and Insta have recently put a lot of effort into shopping integration and trying to allow users to buy products as they see them, which is probably a gradual shift towards this.

When it comes to AR glasses, the first thing that comes to mind is Oculus. In fact, I’ve been an AR owner since the first Oculus and currently own a Quest 3, but I’m still a long way from AR commerce.

Meta acquired Oculus and changed the name; Apple is launching the Apple vison pro in Japan this week.I made a reservation at the Ginza Apple Store on the day of release and am ready to buy it, but I am still on the fence about buying it because I think 600,000 is a lot of money.

AR commerce will undoubtedly have a disruptive effect on the shopping experience in the future. Considering the future of AR commerce, 600,000 might be a small price to pay.


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