星野誠 makoto hoshino





  1. ベネチア(イタリア):
  • ベネチアは、観光客の多い時期や時間帯に料金を上げ、混雑を緩和するためのダイナミックプライスを導入しています。特に、日帰り観光客には入場料が課せられており、ピーク時にはこの料金が変動。
  1. ディズニーランド(アメリカ):
  • ディズニーランドは、年間を通じてチケット価格を変動させるダイナミックプライスを導入しています。需要が高いホリデーシーズンや週末には価格が上昇し、平日やオフシーズンには価格が下がる。
  1. イエローストーン国立公園(アメリカ):
  • イエローストーン国立公園では、キャンプ場や宿泊施設の料金をシーズンに応じて変動させています。これにより、ピークシーズンの混雑を緩和。
  1. タージマハル(インド):
  • タージマハルもダイナミックプライスを採用しており、観光客の多い時間帯やシーズンには入場料が高く設定されています。これにより、訪問者の流れを調整し、観光地の持続可能性を確保。
  1. ピラミッド群(エジプト):
  • エジプトのピラミッド群では、観光客の多い時間帯やシーズンに料金を変動させることで、混雑を緩和し、観光地の保護。




Dynamic pricing’ making headway in tourist destinations
I recently visited Disneyland in Japan, where dynamic pricing has been introduced. Recently, dynamic pricing has been introduced in a number of tourist destinations.

Venice (Italy):.
Venice has introduced dynamic pricing to reduce congestion by increasing prices during periods and times of high tourist traffic. In particular, day visitors are charged an entrance fee that varies during peak periods.

Disneyland (USA):.
Disneyland has introduced dynamic pricing to vary ticket prices throughout the year. Prices increase during holiday periods and weekends when demand is high, and decrease during weekdays and off-season.

Yellowstone National Park (USA):.
Yellowstone National Park fluctuates campground and lodging rates according to the season. This reduces overcrowding during high season.

Taj Mahal (India).
The Taj Mahal also uses dynamic pricing, with higher entrance fees during peak tourist times and seasons. This regulates visitor flows and ensures the sustainability of the tourist attraction.

Pyramid complex, (Egypt)
At the Pyramid Complex in Egypt, prices fluctuate during peak tourist times and seasons to reduce overcrowding and protect the tourist attraction.

Dynamic pricing is a pricing structure in which prices vary according to demand. It is a pricing method used for hotels, airline tickets and entrance fees to tourist attractions. The system raises prices when demand is high and lowers prices when demand is low. For example, prices are higher during peak tourist seasons, such as summer holidays and Golden Week, and lower during the off-season.

Personally, I love dynamic pricing. In fact, it should be introduced in all of them. Any great tourist destination will be discouraged if there are too many people. By raising prices during periods of high demand, destinations can increase their income.

I own an optician’s shop and I think it would be great if we could introduce dynamic pricing into the sale of glasses. Some people criticise dynamic pricing as exploiting users, but I don’t think so. Dynamic pricing is an effective way to reduce congestion and promote sustainable operations in tourist destinations and businesses.


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