星野誠 makoto hoshino













I bought a silent guitar today. I have never played a guitar before. But that’s why I bought it.

If you’ve never played something, you don’t know if you like it or not. It is the same with food. If you’ve never eaten a certain food, you don’t know whether you like it or not. Similarly, if you’ve never been somewhere new, you don’t know if you like it or not.

I myself am relatively good at starting new things. I’ve tried parkour schools, I’ve tried mime schools. But of the 100 things I have started, only three have lasted.But that’s still good. First of all, if you don’t try a bit, you’ll never find out what you really like and what you’re good at.

I played piano and saxophone. The piano lasted relatively long, but I gave up the saxophone soon after. I might stop playing guitar this time. But maybe I will learn to love playing the guitar. I won’t know until I try it.

.This applies to everything. For example, taking up a new sport or trying an exotic cuisine. At first you may feel uncomfortable or resistant to something you have never experienced before. But there is also the possibility that new discoveries and pleasures await you. I spent three years living almost exclusively in the mountains, from Antarctica to Alaska to Everest about five years ago, but it was an experience that has become an indispensable part of my life.

In this day and age, anything can be turned into content on YouTube and elsewhere. Even if you are an amateur rather than a professional, if you are passionate and serious about something, even if it is nonsense in the eyes of a professional, someone will find it interesting and you can make money. In that sense it’s a really good time.

It is possible that a YouTube like “The result of a mere amateur touching a guitar for 360 days” will get a buzz. Of course, there is also the possibility that you will get bored before that. But you never know until you start. So anyway, I’m going to start practising silent guitar. You won’t know if you like it or not until you try it.

Even if you can’t continue, the challenge itself is an important experience.


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