星野誠 makoto hoshino

オノマトペ 「ゴジラ」と「コシラ」「ギャー」と「キャー」










‘Godzilla’ and ‘Koshira’, ‘Gah’ and ‘Kyah’
I am researching onomatopoeia at the moment because I am thinking of a name for a new brand of glasses and the impression that the sound gives is very different just by the impression it gives.

Onomatopoeia. Words that describe sounds and movements in words.

‘Godzilla’ and ‘Koshira’.
‘Koshira’ makes me feel weaker than ‘Godzilla’. The ‘go’ sound of Godzilla gives a strong impression, while the ‘ko’ sound is softer and seems weaker.

‘Bang’ and ‘pon’.
The ‘bang’ sound represents a loud impact or explosion, while the ‘pon’ sound is a slight popping sound. ‘Bang!’ gives the impression of a loud and powerful sound, whereas ‘pop!’ is a light, quiet sound.

‘Gah’ and ‘Caw’.
The sound ‘gah’ is a strong cry of fear or surprise, a loud shock or terror. Caw’ is surprise, or rather mild surprise or joy. ‘Gah’ is serious, ‘caw’ is light-hearted.

It is strange how onomatopoeia can change its image so much with just one letter.


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