星野誠 makoto hoshino




「体裁(ていさい)」 他の人にどう見られるか、どう思われるかを気にして、自分をよく見せようとすること。体裁は自分だけじゃなく自分の周りの環境から作られることが多い。友達や家族、学校のルールや社会の期待、そういったものが体裁を作り上げていく。




My two daughters are in junior high school; my third daughter is in the upper grades of primary school. At this age, they are inevitably concerned about others.

“Appearances (teisai)” refer to the act of worrying about how others see you and trying to present yourself in a favorable light. This isn’t just something you create on your own; it’s often shaped by your surrounding environment. Friends, family, school rules, and societal expectations all contribute to the creation of these appearances.

The appearances you unconsciously build up can gradually start to confine you. To maintain these appearances, you might begin to overextend yourself, making more and more sacrifices. Eventually, you find yourself living solely for the sake of these appearances.

It is very difficult to overcome”Appearances (teisai)”


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