星野誠 makoto hoshino









If you don’t agree with it, don’t risk it.
I have two children in secondary school. I tell my children to take risks and to take more and more risks. Because taking risks means trying new things and pushing your limits, but if you think about it, you don’t have to take risks if you’re not convinced.

You don’t have to force yourself to take risks if you’re not convinced. if you force yourself to take risks, it’s more harmful. If you do it because people around you are doing it, or because it’s expected of you, it’s just stressful. So the important thing is to focus on what really satisfies you and not try to force yourself to meet other people’s expectations. Do it in your own way, at your own pace.

I regret that I just told my children to ‘take risks’ and ‘seize opportunities’ without explaining. I have to try to explain better in the future.


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