星野誠 makoto hoshino










The late singer Kiyoshiro Imawano said: ‘You cannot enjoy unhealthy things with an unhealthy body. To enjoy the occasional ‘unhealthy pleasure’, you have to be healthy. Quite right.

It didn’t matter when I was younger, but now that I’m older, it’s really important to try to eat healthy on a regular basis, and to enjoy junk food like ramen and sweets, you need a healthy body on a daily basis.

I recently bought a De’Longhi espresso machine because I couldn’t forget the taste of the espresso I had when I went to Italy for work in February this year. Too much caffeine in coffee is certainly bad for me. But coffee is still great. If I take everything that’s bad for me out of my life, I won’t know what to live for.

The importance of doing unhealthy things regularly. It sounds contradictory, but it is actually a very important. Sweets, Long triathlons, climbing Everest in low oxygen. Most of the time, what’s bad for you is very enjoyable! So keeping fit in everyday life is really important to be able to fully enjoy the urges that come up from time to time.

The key is balance. Enjoying coffee and keeping fit are both important in life.


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