星野誠 makoto hoshino






── 自分イコール現実になってしまう、ということですか。








The longer the brain is immersed in something, the more it becomes reality.
Yoro Mengji said this in an interview. Excerpt below.


I think how a person perceives reality is influenced by what they spend their time doing. The more time the brain is immersed in something, the more it becomes reality. So if you watch TV all the time, TV becomes reality, and if you deal with money all the time, money becomes reality. If you think about it all the time, it becomes reality. Reality shrinks to the size of your brain.

Tëm, are you saying that you become reality?

Yes, that’s right. I often warn my patients that they talk endlessly about themselves, that they have been talking only about themselves for some time. The only object of reality is themselves. That’s why I tell them to go outside. To such people I say: “Why don’t you change so that you can talk more about things other than yourself?

You should have more of a sense of reality about what comes from outside yourself.

My brain is now immersed in extra things.


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