星野誠 makoto hoshino




座右の銘は「賢人は闇にこそ奮起するもの」これだとカッコ良すぎる? ちなみに「退屈は人を殺す」というけれどまさにそのとおり。 振り返っても自分の人生、甘やかしている時は、ろくなことはない。それが進むと、自分で自分の人生のストーリーを作る力がなくなって、結局すべてを他人のせい。気づけば、他人の人生に生産性のないコメントやと批判を繰り返すダサい大人に。




Do not go gentle into that good nigh.

It is true what they say: ‘Boredom kills’. When I look back on my life, if you spoil it, it’s not good enough. As time goes on, I lose the ability to create my own life story and end up blaming everything on others. Before I know it, I become a lame adult, constantly making unproductive comments and criticisms about other people’s lives.

I want to be a person who can create my own story and not ruin my life forever, but the truth is that it is really, really hard to do. If I start criticising other people’s lives, I’m finished.


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