星野誠 makoto hoshino








Log in every day.
I’m addicted to a crippling game on my phone, and whenever I get a five-minute break, I play that crippling game. I just press the buttons. The accumulation of those five minutes is quite ridiculous and the level goes up in no time. But because it is a cripple game, it does not increase your level in the real world. It’s actually worse than being addicted to a little bit of it every day.

In fact, if you do a five-minute English application in that little five-minute gap, you’re probably pretty good at it. If there was software that could be used to learn English, programming, sports, music, etc. in the same way that you could level up a smartphone game, your real life would probably improve a lot.

Also English, programming, sports and music with the feeling of a dopamine rush from a smartphone mess. Daily logins to smartphone games. Something could be done with the feeling of a tiny short video every day.


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