星野誠 makoto hoshino





フィルタリング設定だけだとどうしても消えない。ブラウザから変える?Kids Safe Browserなど子供向けのブラウザもあるけれど、サイトの内容自体はまったく問題ないから、そのサイト自体をブロックするというのも違うし、何か簡単にないのかな?




Erotic ads on primary school daughters’ smartphones
When the daughters play ‘Nyanko Daisenso’ and search on Google or Safari to see character traits, etc., obvious pornographic ads appear on the site.

Presumably, the majority of people who play Nyanko Daisenso are adult males, and perhaps this is the best way to target them. The content of the site itself is perfectly fine, but when pornographic adverts make up about 1/3 of the site, we wonder what is going on.

Filter settings alone don’t make them go away. Is there a browser for children, such as Kids Safe Browser, but the content of the site itself is perfectly fine, so blocking the site itself is different, and I wonder if there isn’t something simple I can do?

I seem to recall that Google has been sued somewhere for displaying ads for fraudulent sites on venerable sites, is there anything that can be done about this?


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