うちの4歳の息子がYouTubeとNintendo Switchに夢中。最近はYouTubeかゲームしか言わない。それ以外の時は「何すればいいの?」「何すればいいの?」YouTubeとNintendo Switchでドーパミン、ズブズブ。ゲームをしている時と、それ以外の時との無気力具合との差が半端ない。
My four-year-old son is addicted to YouTube and Nintendo Switch. These days he only says YouTube or games. Otherwise, he asks, “What am I doing?” YouTube and Nintendo Switch, dopamine. Of course, dopamine is not a bad thing.
I myself am addicted to dopamine, at work, in sport and everywhere else. In general, many managers are also addicted to dopamine. Dopamine itself is not bad, but I want to spend my days slowing down my mind and body and soaking up serotonin without drowning in it.