星野誠 makoto hoshino



















List of the speed of human technological innovation
In Satoshi Nakajima’s newsletter, which I enjoy reading every week, he presents a list of speeds of human technological innovation.

First tool: 3.4 million years ago

Fire: 1 million years ago

Bed: 200,000 years ago

Bow and arrow: 60,000 years ago.

Musical instruments: 43,000 years ago.

Paper: 2nd century BC.

Gunpowder: 9th century.

Printing press: 12th century.

Steam engine: 16th century.

Photographs, telephones, light bulbs, cars: 19th century.

Artificial fertilisers, television, antibiotics, nuclear weapons, computer, internet: 20th century.

Smart phones, artificial intelligence, CRISPR, mRNA vaccines: 21st century.

This is really amazing to see. Einstein said that the greatest invention of mankind was “compound interest”, and human progress, like compound interest, has been raging lately. At this rate, are we really close to the Planet of the Apes and the End of Days?


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