星野誠 makoto hoshino

「サンクチュアリ- 聖域 -」できるわけないは変化したくないの裏返し


Netflixの「サンクチュアリ- 聖域 -」がまた大変面白い。自分は相撲のことはほぼ知らず、角界の本当のところもよくわからないけれど、本当に面白い。







Sanctuary – ‘Can’t do it’ is the flip side of not wanting to change

Netflix’s ‘Sanctuary’ is very interesting film. I know almost nothing about sumo and don’t really understand the real world of sumo, but it’s really interesting.

The actors are excellent too! The lead actor is Wataru Ichinose, a former professional wrestler who won an audition. and Shota Sometani, Pierre Taki and Koyuki. It’s wonderful!

Pierre Taki is truly wonderful. If I had the chance to cast myself in a drama, I would definitely ask for Pierre Taki or Tsuyoshi Ayano, even if they have been beaten up a bit in their private lives.

I often wonder if I can stay the same. I don’t want to change because I can’t. The other side of wanting to stay the same.


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