星野誠 makoto hoshino





著者の清水 潔氏は、1958(昭和33)年、東京都生れ。新潮社「FOCUS」編集部を経て、2018年7月現在は日本テレビ報道局記者・特別解説委員。




Bunko X ‘The Bible of Investigative Journalism’ The Killer is Out There
I listened to The Killer is There on Amazon Audible, a book that Sawaya Bookshop sold as a must-read in 2016, and bookstores across the country followed suit.

This is amazing! Winner of the Shincho Document Prize and the Japan Mystery Writers Association Award. This is a non-fiction book about the case that shocked the whole of Japan and has been hailed as the ‘bible of investigative reporting’.

The author, Kiyoshi Shimizu, was born in Tokyo in 1958. After working in the editorial department of Shinchosha’s FOCUS, he has been a reporter and special commentator in the news department of Nippon Television Network Corporation (NTV) since July 2018.

His writing is also gripping. Police, prosecutors and courts. In any case, this is a book everyone should read.


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