星野誠 makoto hoshino




「サイコロジー・オブ・マネー 一生お金に困らない「富」のマインドセット」の著者、作家で投資家のモーガン・ハウセル氏の言葉


「冒険を試み、危険を冒し、失敗し、傷つき、それでもさらに危険を冒す人たちと友達になりなさい」(弓を引く人 パウロ・コエーリョ)






Real risk is about regret
Risk is not about how much money you lose. Over time, many painful experiences usually turn into important lessons. Real risk is about regrets that may come years or decades later.

Morgan Hausel, author and investor, author of Psychology of Money, The Wealth Mindset for a Lifetime of Money

When I’m 80, I’ll look back on my life and I’ll always want to minimise the number of regrets I have,’ says Jeff Bezos.

Make friends with those who try adventures, take risks, fail, get hurt and take more risks’ (Paulo Coelho, The Bowman).
It is not how much money you lose or how much pain you go through, but how many regrets you end up with in life.

Be the person who tries adventures, takes risks, fails, gets hurt and takes more risks!

I want my end point with the least amount of regret.


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