最近、Apple Watchやガーミン、さまざまなデバイスを試してみて、ボディバッテリーやそのほか色々と指標があるけれど、体の状態を知るには、心拍変動(HRV)が一番。心拍変動が下がって回復しない時は、間違いなく体のバランスがおかしくなっている。数値でいうと自分の場合はHRV、通常が58ぐらいで47を下回ったらダメ。
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the best way to know how your body is doing
I have recently tried the Apple Watch, Garmin and various other devices and while there are many indicators such as body battery and others, Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the best way to know how your body is doing. If your HRV drops and does not recover, your body is definitely out of balance.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV), simply put, is the periodic fluctuation of the heartbeat interval and is an indicator of autoregulatory activity.
High HRV = parasympathetic dominance.
When the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant, you are relaxed. Mainly during sleep.
Low HRV = sympathetic dominance.
When the sympathetic nervous system is dominant, mainly when you are awake and active. During exercise. If HRV does not recover even during sleep, the body is in a state of screaming, most likely due to stress or illness.
If you don’t sleep enough, HRV won’t recover, so the best thing to do is to sleep. Sleep anyway.
Normally HRV recovers when you sleep, but if it does not recover even after you sleep, you are mentally or physically stressed or overloaded.
So if you train every day, reduce the load.
If you are still not recovering, you have a poor diet, have drunk too much alcohol or are at the beginning of an illness.
Then review your diet and get back to sleeping well.
Sleep. Adequate rest. Eating habits. If you restore this balance using HRV, you will recover easily.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV), a very useful number.
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*“Yesterday, I Went to Mars ♡”*
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