星野誠 makoto hoshino





橘 玲さん監修「モテるために必要なことはダーウィンが教えてくれた」この本にも書いてある








I have been running a glasses shop for 14 years in Ginza and Shinjuku.

The more spectacles you wear, the more they suit you. Frankly speaking, I think all the spectacles I wear nowadays suit me, no matter what kind of spectacles I wear.

Darwin taught me what I need to be popular,” supervised by Akira Tachibana, also in this book.


Clothes, behaviour, gestures, everything tells a story about your life. Of course, what’s inside is very important. But people can only judge each other’s deep-seated traits by what they can see. Everyone judges everyone by their ‘looks’.

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with accessories and body art. They show who you are and what you believe in. Accessories and tattoos are visual signals to the world about your aesthetic level. There are no mistakes. There is only whether or not it works on the woman you want to attract.


Choice of goods. It’s not which product you use that matters, it’s whether you can showcase it along with your confidence and talent! I really believe that again recently.


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