星野誠 makoto hoshino






自分の圧倒的な特技は「ご飯を美味しく食べる」 「ご飯を美味しそうに食べる」ではなく、「ご飯を美味しく食べる」だ。


今の社会はこんな感じなのかな? 自分はそもそも、だいぶ前に建前の社会から、ドロップアウトして、本音しか言ってないから、わからないけれど。




‘May you have a delicious meal’
I heard the Akutagawa Prize-winning work ‘May you have delicious rice’ on audible.

The main characters, Ms. Futani, Mr. Ashikawa and Mr. Oshio. I feel sorry for everyone. It must be hard to live like this.

My overwhelming skill is ‘eating rice with relish’. 

I can eat any kind of food, from junk to something new to me that I wouldn’t eat in Japan, and really enjoy it with all my heart, so I can make friends easily wherever I go in the world (or maybe I just think I’m making friends).

Is this what society is like now? I don’t know, because I dropped out of a society with tatemae(one’s hidden motivest) a long time ago, and I only speak from my true feelings.

Anyway, those who can continue to live their lives with no problems at all, using both their real intentions and tatemae, probably have no problems at all, but for serious people who can’t continue to live with tatemae, it’s a very sad world.


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– Will go to Mars Olympus –

– next journey Olympus on Mars through Space Travel –

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