星野誠 makoto hoshino




















Is my behavior just biologically controlled by my DNA?

My wife often says to me, “Men are so easygoing because all they have to do is sow seeds.

Of course, this is sarcasm from my wife, but I found something interesting in a book I read today, “An Introduction to Biology for Surviving the Future Era.

The following is an excerpt from the text


As long as the female has the function of producing children, she will never disappear. Males, however, are only sperm carriers, so not all of them need to survive, or at worst, they may face the threat of being reduced to zero.

It is often said of human couples that once a child is born, the father’s presence fades away. In a sense, this is biologically true. The male is merely a tool for carrying sperm. If women are now independent and can obtain the resources (money and food) they need to live without the help of the male, then some may feel less need for the father once the father’s genes remain in the child.


This is interesting and scary. Men are not so much carefree as they are, unfortunately, rather needless.

Also, I found something else interesting as well.

Here is an excerpt


Organisms are doomed to continue to evolve. Asexual reproduction = clonal propagation would result in only individuals with the same genetic copy and no diversity. Therefore, it is highly likely that they will not be able to withstand environmental changes and will perish. The strategy that organisms developed was “sexual reproduction,” in which individuals exchange different genes to create new genes.


After all, I regularly challenge myself to do something or say, “Men are nice, aren’t they? Or, “Men can’t help it!” etc., all of my actions may just be biologically manipulated at will by the biological evolutionary process, genes, and DNA.


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