星野誠 makoto hoshino





Background and Racing History
What was your life like before Ultra or Ironman? (briefly) *

I hadn’t exercised in a week.


List some/all of the major races you have participated in with years. *

2012 Ironman Mexico
2013 Ironman Japan
2019 Oceanman Thailand

Climbed the world’s highest peak 7summits from 2013 to 2017


Do you have stories that would be interesting from a few of these races? Great successes. Great failures. Dark places. Adversity faced. Recovery from adversity. Training breakthroughs? *

Not specifically for the race, but I almost died of altitude sickness while climbing Cho Oyu, an 8000m mountain in Tibet. But this was more of a psychological blow than a physical one, so I managed to get my mind right and finish the climb.


What is your favourite race and briefly why? *

I don’t have a specific race. but I like A tricky race, where the danger of death is always present. senses will be sharpened.


Why do you race? What is your reward? *

Exercises to get to Mars before I die.


Name drop! Who are some of your friends in the Ultra family. Do you have some great stories to share about that? Give a few sentences here to explain.

Eiko. Of course, she’s an Ultraman finisher, and she’s at some crazy convention all year round.


Do you have a coach? Who is it? How has that helped?

No, sir.Just my friend Eiko.


What is your life like outside of racing? Brief description- married? Kids? Career. The Usual stuff. *

I am married and has four children. I work as an optician in Tokyo, and now I’m starting a new space travel company!


How do you spend your time when not training? Hobbies. Interests. Side hustles.

I’m mostly with my family now.


Is there anything else you would like to discuss that I have not covered?

No, not really. Just out of curiosity, have I ever you countered a negative person, such as Ultraman, who races in such an extreme way?


Please give a brief description here and we can discuss prior to the recording what you are comfortable with sharing.

Burnout Syndrome
And it’s the same with life, but normal things don’t satisfy you anymore. When I was a mountain climber, I found out that people can’t stop climbing dangerous mountains until they die. It is said that the only time you can stop is when you die, but I guess it is like that.





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