- 変化への抵抗: 人は、変化を嫌う生き物。特に、身近な人の変化は、不安や恐怖を感じやすい。
- 心配: 「失敗したらどうする」「お金の無駄遣い」など、心配の裏返し。
- 嫉妬: 「自分だけ変わっていくのが、面白くない」という感情。
- 固定化されたイメージとの葛藤: 長年一緒に過ごしてきた家族やパートナーは、あなたに対して固定化されたイメージを持っています。そのイメージを揺るがす要素(新しいメガネ、髪型、服装など)は、彼らの中の「あなた」の定義と矛盾するため、無意識のうちに拒絶反応が起きるのです。
- アインシュタインは学校の先生から「何も成し遂げられない」と言われました
- スティーブ・ジョブズはガレージでコンピュータを作り始めた時、周囲からは理解されませんでした
- 多くの芸術家や作家は、最初のキャリアで家族からの理解を得られなかったと証言しています
3月23日に、**「めがね人格 〜新たな私の発見〜」**と題した特別イベントを開催いたします。台湾で人気のクラシコブランドのトランクショーを同時開催し、日本未入荷の170本ものアイウェアが集結します。
- 日時: 2025年3月23日(日) 11:00~18:00
- 場所: 滝野川フレイムス(東京都北区滝野川7-11-14)[Google Map]
- 入場無料
- 台湾クラシコトランクショー
- 日本での取り扱いは誠眼鏡店だけ!
- 普段は目にすることのできない、貴重な170本ものフレームを試せるチャンス!
- 厳選された眼鏡の展示・試着・販売
- クラシックゾーン: クラシコを中心とした上質なフレーム
- アバンギャルドゾーン: KUBORAUMなどの個性派ブランド、最新ガジェット眼鏡も
- メガネ偏愛家誠による写真撮影
- 「クラシックで上品に」「アバンギャルドで大胆に」新しい自分を写真に残せます
- メガネ偏愛トーク (誠 × 鳥居氏)(17:30~17:45)
- テーマ: 「クラシックとアバンギャルドで変わる、私の人格」
- 眼鏡好き集まれ!座談会(17:45~18:00)
- テーマ: 「今日試した眼鏡で、どう変わった?」
【お問い合わせ】 誠眼鏡店 info@makotoweb.com
Hello, I’m Makoto, operating Makoto Eyewear in Shinjuku and Ginza.
Even though I returned home enthusiastically, I ended up coming back discouraged due to “family blocking.” This is what we call “family blocking.”
Humans have a psychological tendency called “status quo bias.” This is a mental process where we “avoid change and try to maintain the current situation.” In particular, changes in people close to us can unconsciously cause anxiety or fear as they threaten our lifestyle or values.
Why do family members oppose?
Several psychological factors are intertwined in the background:
- Resistance to change: People dislike change. Changes in those close to us can particularly trigger anxiety or fear.
- Worry: Concerns like “What if you fail?” or “It’s a waste of money” are expressions of underlying worry.
- Jealousy: The feeling that “It’s not fair that only you are changing.”
- Conflict with fixed images: Family members or partners who have spent years with you have fixed images of you. Elements that shake these images (new glasses, hairstyle, clothing, etc.) contradict their definition of “you,” causing unconscious rejection.
Behind family blocking may be their concern for you and a desperate wish that “you don’t change.”
“Blocking” is not just about choosing glasses
This phenomenon isn’t limited to selecting eyewear. Looking back at history, great challengers often faced opposition:
- Einstein was told by his school teacher that he “would never accomplish anything”
- Steve Jobs wasn’t understood when he started building computers in his garage
- Many artists and writers testify that they didn’t receive understanding from their families in the early stages of their careers
New styles, new challenges, new dreams—perhaps it’s normal that truly valuable things aren’t understood at first.
To overcome family blocking
The magic of “choosing together” If possible, involve your family or partner in choosing glasses. “Which do you think suits me?” “Which would you choose?” By choosing together, what was “someone else’s matter” becomes “their matter too.” And a special pair “chosen for you” will surely move your family’s heart.
Show with “results” The most convincing approach is to actually show how you’ve changed by wearing new glasses.
The moment of overcoming “family blocking” Let me share an example from our customer, Mr. K. Mr. K had been using the same style of thin black frames for over 10 years. One day, out of a sense of adventure, he decided to try a colorful and distinctive frame design. When he showed it to his wife asking “How is this?”, predictably she responded “It doesn’t suit you.” However, he insisted “I like it” and purchased the frame. For the first few days, his wife said she “couldn’t get used to it,” but after two weeks, she admitted “Actually, people say your current glasses look cool.” At Mr. K’s workplace, comments like “Your impression has brightened” and “You’ve become more approachable” increased. This is a good example of how new self-discovery and new relationships await beyond overcoming “family blocking.”
[Event Announcement] On March 23, we will hold a special event titled “Eyewear Personality ~Discovering a New Me~”. Simultaneously, we’ll host a trunk show of the popular Taiwanese Classico brand, bringing together 170 eyewear pieces not yet available in Japan. This is a perfect opportunity to try various “glasses” and discover new possibilities for yourself.
Event Details
- Date & Time: March 23, 2025 (Sunday) 11:00-18:00
- Location: Takinogawa Flames (7-11-14 Takinogawa, Kita-ku, Tokyo) [Google Map]
- Free Admission
Event Contents
- Taiwan Classico Trunk Show
- Exclusively available at Makoto Eyewear in Japan!
- A chance to try 170 rare frames you normally can’t see!
- Exhibition, Fitting, and Sales of Selected Eyewear
- Classic Zone: High-quality frames centered on Classico
- Avant-garde Zone: Distinctive brands like KUBORAUM and the latest gadget glasses
- Photography by Eyewear Enthusiast Makoto
- Capture your new self “elegantly classic” or “boldly avant-garde” in photos
- Eyewear Passion Talk (Makoto × Mr. Torii) (17:30-17:45)
- Theme: “How My Personality Changes with Classic and Avant-garde Styles”
- Gathering for Eyewear Lovers! Discussion (17:45-18:00)
- Theme: “How Did You Change with the Glasses You Tried Today?”
Would you like to explore your unique new form of expression together? We sincerely look forward to your visit. [Contact] Makoto Eyewear Store info@makotoweb.com
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*“Yesterday, I Went to Mars ♡”*
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