星野誠 makoto hoshino






  • 五感の活用: 優れたクリエイターは、視覚、聴覚、触覚、味覚、嗅覚、すべての感覚を駆使して、最高の作品を生み出す。料理もまた、五感をフルに活用するクリエイティブな行為なのだろう。
  • 探究心: 常に新しい表現方法を模索するデザイナーのように、料理人もまた、新しい食材や調理法、味の組み合わせに挑戦する。そこが共通?
  • 表現力: デザインとは、自分の考えや想いを、形にして相手に伝えること。料理もまた、食材を通して、自分の感性や愛情を表現する手段なのかもしれない。
  • 細部へのこだわり: 一流のデザイナーは、細部にこそ神が宿ると信じ、細部まで徹底的にこだわる。それは料理でも同じ?
  • 相手を喜ばせたいという気持ち: 良いデザインは、使う人を幸せにする。美味しい料理は、食べる人を笑顔にする。どちらも、根底にあるのは「相手を喜ばせたい」という、純粋な気持ちがある。







台湾クラシコ集結!|めがね人格 ―新たな私の発見―|めがね偏愛のこぼれる1日

  • 日時: 2025年3月23日(日) 11:00~18:00
  • 場所: 滝野川フレイムス(東京都北区滝野川7-11-14)
  • 入場無料


台湾クラシコ集結!|めがね人格 ―新たな私の発見―|めがね偏愛のこぼれる1日



“Exceptional designers and creators are invariably good cooks”

I recently visited Taipei for work. My friend Gary, a designer who guided me around Taiwan all day, treated me to yakiniku (Japanese-style BBQ). The style was the usual one we’re familiar with in Japan. Despite being a standard style, it was delicious. He cooked the meat by gently stroking its surface to prevent burning. His technique resembled an artist guiding a brush across a canvas.

“Exceptional designers and creators are invariably good cooks” – this is a theory I’ve developed through my interactions with various creative professionals. They hone their aesthetic sensibilities by sharpening all five senses in every aspect of daily life. Perhaps this is why they can create such delicious food?

Why I think great creators are also good cooks

  • Using all five senses: Outstanding creators utilize vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell to produce their finest work. Cooking is likewise a creative act that fully engages all five senses.
  • Spirit of inquiry: Just as designers constantly seek new forms of expression, chefs also experiment with new ingredients, cooking methods, and flavor combinations. Is this their common ground?
  • Expressiveness: Design is about giving form to your thoughts and feelings to communicate them to others. Perhaps cooking is also a means of expressing one’s sensibility and affection through ingredients.
  • Attention to detail: First-rate designers believe that divinity resides in the details and are meticulous about every aspect. Is the same true for cooking?
  • Desire to please others: Good design makes users happy. Delicious food brings smiles to those who eat it. At the core of both is the pure desire to “make others happy.”

Cooking aims to put those who eat in the best possible mood. Savoring daily meals more fully with all five senses and enjoying them more creatively might stimulate our everyday sensibilities and enrich our lives.

[P.S.] Actually, my recent trip to Taipei had a significant purpose. I was preparing for an event called “Megane Persona: Discovering a New Me” that will be held at Takinogawa Flames on Sunday, March 23rd!

We’ll have a wide selection of items that can express various “versions of yourself,” from classic glasses to avant-garde eyewear and the latest gadget glasses.

On the day, myself (Makoto) and Mr. Torii, an eyewear enthusiast, will welcome you with talks and roundtable discussions. Please come join us!

[Event Details] Taiwan Classico Showcase! | Megane Persona—Discovering a New Me | A Day Overflowing with Eyewear Passion

  • Date & Time: Sunday, March 23, 2025, 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Location: Takinogawa Flames (7-11-14 Takinogawa, Kita-ku, Tokyo)
    • [Google Map]
  • Admission: Free


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