星野誠 makoto hoshino

台湾クラシコ集結!|めがね人格 ―新たな私の発見―|めがね偏愛のこぼれる1日














  • 日時: 2025年3月23日(日) 11:00~18:00
  • 場所: 滝野川フレイムス(東京都北区滝野川7-11-14)
  • 入場無料



  • 日本での取り扱いは誠眼鏡店だけ!
  • 普段は目にすることのできない、貴重な170本ものフレームを、実際に手に取って試せるチャンス!
  • クラシコイタリアの洗練されたデザインと、台湾ならではの感性が融合した、新しいクラシックスタイルを体験してください。


  • クラシックゾーン: クラシコを中心とした、時代を超えて愛される上質なフレーム
  • アバンギャルドゾーン: KUBORAUMをはじめとする個性派ブランド、Ray-Ban Metaなどの最新ガジェット眼鏡もご用意。


  • 「クラシックで上品に」「アバンギャルドで大胆に」
  • 新しい自分を、メガネ偏愛家の誠が撮影します。
  • 特別な1枚を、思い出に残しませんか?

メガネ偏愛トーク (誠 × 鳥居氏)(17:30~17:45)

  • テーマ: 「クラシックとアバンギャルドで変わる、私の人格」
  • 誠眼鏡店・誠: アバンギャルドとガジェットの魅力、そしてクラシックとの融合について。今回のトランクショーの見どころも紹介!
  • 鳥居氏: 眼鏡への情熱、愛するフレームとの出会い、そして眼鏡がもたらす変化について
  • ここでしか聞けない、熱いトークをお楽しみに!


  • テーマ: 「今日試した眼鏡で、どう変わった?」
  • 鳥居氏をメインに、参加者同士で眼鏡偏愛を語り合う、自由な交流の場。
  • 誠眼鏡店・誠も参加し、皆様からの質問にお答えします。
  • お茶とお菓子をご用意して、お待ちしています(参加自由)。




誠(Makoto) – 誠眼鏡店 代表


  • 誠眼鏡店:東京都新宿区新宿7-11-15
  • 営業時間:11:30〜20:00[営業時間]
  • 定休日:火曜曜日 [定休日]
  • https://www.makotoweb.com/

鳥居氏 – 誠眼鏡店の顧客であり、熱烈な眼鏡愛好家



  • 当日は動画を撮影させていただいております。
  • 会場内は自由に撮影可能です。#誠眼鏡店 #鳥居さん眼鏡愛 #クラシック #アバンギャルド #眼鏡ガジェット #台湾クラシコ などのハッシュタグを付けて、SNSでシェアしていただけたら嬉しいです


  • 誠眼鏡店
    • info@makotoweb.com




Taiwan Classico Is Coming Together! | “Megane Persona” — Discover a New You | One Day Overflowing with Eyewear Obsession

“Which ‘Megane Persona’ do you wear?”

Changing your glasses can change your mood.

It can feel like you’ve become an entirely different person—like a new world has opened up.

Has that ever happened to you?

If you want to express yourself more freely or discover a whole new side of yourself…

Then don’t miss this first-ever event in Japan! A special gathering of 170 frames from a hugely popular Taiwanese Classico brand is happening in Takinogawa!

Meet a “new you” that you’ve never known before.
Get ready for a day when your overflowing love for glasses cannot be contained!

A Special Event Birthed from True Eyewear Love

This event is made possible by Mr. Torii, a passionate client of Makoto Optics whose love for glasses rivals that of seasoned professionals. Wishing to share Mr. Torii’s unrelenting “megane love” with as many people as possible, we decided to host this special gathering.

And that’s not all! We’re also holding a Taiwanese Classico Brand Trunk Show at the same time. A whopping 170 pairs of eyewear—unavailable anywhere else in Japan—are coming together at Takinogawa Flames.

Even more exciting, Makoto (owner of Makoto Optics), known for his obsession with avant-garde and gadget-style frames, and the dedicated eyewear collector Mr. Torii will talk all about the charm of both classic and avant-garde eyewear. (And there may even be a special guest from overseas…?!)

Event Details

  • Date/Time:
    Sunday, March 23, 2025, 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Location:
    Takinogawa Flames (7-11-14 Takinogawa, Kita-ku, Tokyo)
    [Google Map Link]
  • Admission:

Event Highlights

1. Taiwan Classico Trunk Show

  • Exclusive to Makoto Optics in Japan
  • A rare chance to see and try on 170 frames that are normally unavailable here.
  • Experience this new classic style that merges the refined aesthetic of Classico Italia with the unique sensibilities of Taiwan.

2. Eyewear Exhibition, Fitting & Sales by a True Devotee

  • Classic Zone: Featuring the timeless elegance of Classico frames that transcend eras
  • Avant-Garde Zone: Showcasing unique brands like KUBORAUM and cutting-edge pieces like Ray-Ban Meta—state-of-the-art gadget glasses

3. Photo Session by an Eyewear Aficionado

  • “Classic & Refined” or “Avant-Garde & Bold”—you decide!
  • Makoto, the ultimate eyewear enthusiast, will photograph you in your newly found look.
  • Capture that special shot and make it an unforgettable memory.

4. Megane-Love Talk (Makoto × Mr. Torii) (5:30 PM – 5:45 PM)

  • Theme: “How Classic and Avant-Garde Eyewear Change My Persona”
  • Makoto (Makoto Optics): Discover how avant-garde and gadgetry fuse with classic styles, plus event highlights!
  • Mr. Torii: Shares his passion for glasses, how he found his perfect frames, and how eyewear can change one’s outlook on life.
  • Don’t miss this chance to hear their enthusiastic conversation up close!

5. Eyewear Enthusiasts’ Roundtable (5:45 PM – 6:00 PM)

  • Theme: “How Have Today’s Glasses Changed You?”
  • Mr. Torii will host a free-form chat among participants about their shared love of glasses.
  • Makoto will join in to answer questions and get to know fellow eyewear fans.
  • Tea and snacks will be provided. Feel free to drop by!

Check Out Our YouTube Shorts for Brand Stories

Before the event, head to the Makoto Optics YouTube channel to learn about the history and unique points of the showcased brands.

Featured Guests

Makoto – Owner of Makoto Optics

  • With over 15 years of experience, Makoto is a true eyewear devotee.
  • Passionate about avant-garde designs and gadget-inspired frames, always on the hunt for new styles.

Makoto Optics: 7-11-15 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Mr. Torii – A loyal customer at Makoto Optics and a passionate eyewear lover

  • Boasting a level of enthusiasm that astounds even industry pros, Mr. Torii has developed his own unique eyewear philosophy.
  • This event was sparked by his unwavering love for glasses.

Other Information

  • We will be filming on the day of the event.
  • Feel free to take your own photos or videos on-site.
  • If you share on social media, please use hashtags such as #MakotoOptics #ToriiGlassesLove #Classic #AvantGarde #EyewearGadget #TaiwanClassico.


Makoto Optics

We look forward to seeing you there!


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