星野誠 makoto hoshino

「慣れない自分」 そこにはきっと!







「慣れ」のせいで、つい新しい一歩を踏み出せずにいることって、実はけっこうある。自分は、まだまだ、慣れない世界に飛び込みたい。海峡横断とか、宇宙事業のリベンジとか。何か引っかかるものがあれば、ほんの小さなことからでいい。「慣れない自分」 そこにはきっと、新しい発見が待ってる?



Lately, I’ve been thinking about the word “familiarity.” There’s no doubt that a familiar environment feels super comfy and reassuring. The daily routine, the usual route, the same old friends—less stress, total stability. But here’s the thing: that same “familiarity” can definitely make it harder to embrace new perspectives or take on new challenges.

Looking back at my life, I feel like the totally fun stuff happened whenever I broke out of that “familiar” zone. Like when I traveled India as a backpacker. I bumped into values 180 degrees different from Japan’s, and it hit me: “Wow, I’ve been living in such a familiar little world.” People smiling in the chaos, or feeling fulfilled with next to nothing—it flipped my sense of “normal” upside down.

I’m always saying, “The real challenge is tackling stuff you’ve never done before.” Climbing Everest, running 250km across the Gobi Desert, throwing myself into extreme situations—it’s tough in the moment, but looking back, it’s honestly so fun. There’s this tension and discovery you can’t get in a familiar place. Every time I dive into something unfamiliar, I feel like I get a little softer, a little more flexible.

Sure, “familiarity” has its perks. Work and daily tasks go smoothly, no extra stress. But if you soak in it too long, it’s true that new ideas and possibilities start slipping away. On the flip side, daring to step into the unfamiliar? That’s when unexpected paths open up, no question about it.

A small step is all it takes. Try a different route, eat something new, visit an unknown spot—little shifts like that might just widen your view. If something feels “kinda interesting,” don’t just research it—move on it. Even if you’re nervous, turn it into “Hey, this could lead to a new me” and it’s suddenly way less daunting.

I bet there’s a bunch of times “familiarity” holds us back from that next step. Me, I still want to dive into unfamiliar worlds—crossing straits, retrying the space business, you name it. If something’s nagging at you, start small. An “unfamiliar me”—there’s gotta be new discoveries waiting there, right?


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