「He who moves not forward, goes backward.」
―― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(ゲーテ)
“If You Don’t Move Forward, You Move Backward” – A Talk on Failure and Growth
Yesterday, I wrote a blog about the talk I gave at my daughter’s middle school, and in it, I mentioned how “people who don’t fail might not be growing.” That got me thinking about this quote:
“He who moves not forward, goes backward.”
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“If you don’t move forward, you’re moving backward.”
It’s simple, but it hits hard, doesn’t it? Standing still is basically the same as slipping back little by little. Like I told the students yesterday, for me, failure is a “starting point.” Because if you’re not failing, chances are you’re not trying anything new.
Take this example: if I’d stopped myself with “What if I fail?” I wouldn’t be who I am today, and this job wouldn’t exist. Starting the glasses shop came from a moment in high school when I saw a friend wearing thick black-framed glasses and thought, “Whoa, glasses can do that?” I went on to try thousands of pairs—some flops along the way—but because I kept going, I realized “glasses have the power to make people smile.”
As I wrote yesterday, I’ve still got challenges ahead—like crossing straits or giving the space business another shot. I might fail. But borrowing Goethe’s words, standing still feels way scarier than moving forward. Even if I mess up, there’s always something to learn, and as long as I keep moving, a path opens up somehow.
So here’s what I think: last year, I didn’t have any real failures, and looking back, that’s probably because I wasn’t even at the starting line. Failure is proof you’re trying. Proof you’re in motion.
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*“Yesterday, I Went to Mars ♡”*
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