日時は 2025年3月23日(日) 11:00~18:00、場所は 滝野川フレイムス(東京都北区滝野川7丁目11−14) です。
“クラシック眼鏡に身を包むと、落ち着いた自分が登場するし、アバンギャルドなフレームにチャレンジすると、新しい冒険心が湧いてくる”――そんな体験を共有したいからこそ、今回のテーマは「クラシックとアバンギャルド」。自分自身、“ガジェット大好き”なこともあって、最新のハイテク要素を取り入れた眼鏡「Ray-Ban Meta」や、独創的なデザインが魅力の「クボラム」なんかも展示できればと。
- クラシックゾーン(クラシコ中心) と アバンギャルドゾーン(クボラム+他ブランド+Ray-Ban Metaなど) を大きく2つに分けて展示。
- 気になるフレームを好きに試着して、そのまま写真撮影できるコーナーを用意。自分じゃ気づかなかった魅力が見つかるかもしれない。
- 14:00~14:10 はトークタイム。
- 自分(誠)は「アバンギャルドとガジェット」への愛を語りつつ、ちょこっとクラシックにも触れます。
- T様は「僕が眼鏡にハマった理由」と「愛するフレーム」の世界を熱く語ってくれる予定。
- 17:30~18:00 は、座談会で眼鏡トークを楽しむ時間。T様を中心に、みんなでワイワイと「今日かけてみてどうだった?」なんて気軽に話せればいいな、と。
- 11:00 開場
クラシックもアバンギャルドも自由に試着OK。会場モニターでは、事前に撮影したYouTubeショート動画を流して、今回展示するフレームのストーリーをサクッと紹介。 - 14:00~14:10 トーク
「クラシックとアバンギャルドで変わる、私の人格」をテーマに、誠&T様が10分程度で好き勝手おしゃべり。 - 14:10~17:30
引き続き、試着&撮影タイム。気になるフレームがあったら、何度でもかけてみてください。自分もT様も、その場で色々アドバイスしながら楽しませてもらいます。 - 17:30~18:00 座談会
T様がメインで仕切って、「今日試した眼鏡で気分はどう変わった?」って話をみんなでシェア。お茶やお菓子をつまみながらのまったりトーク。 - 18:00 終了
当日はもちろん、3月1日から3月22日まで、1日1本ずつ YouTubeショート で「今日の1本」を紹介していく予定。クラシック系が11本、アバンギャルド&ガジェット系が11本。それぞれ、自分とT様が交互に出演する予定です。
- ショートの流れ
- 冒頭5秒:挨拶と「イベントまであと○日!」のカウントダウン
- 中盤20~30秒:フレームを手に持ってポイントを解説
- 締め5秒:「3/23滝野川で待ってます!」
- そのままInstagramリールやX(Twitter)にも転載予定。SNSでチェックしてもらえたら、イメージがどんどん膨らむはず。
#誠眼鏡店 #鳥居さん眼鏡愛 #クラシック #アバンギャルド #眼鏡ガジェット」
“Eyewear Personality – Discovering a New Me” on 3/23
Catchphrase: “A Day Where Classic Elegance Meets Avant-Garde Challenges”
We’re thrilled to announce an exciting event, “Eyewear Personality – Discovering a New Me,” planned in collaboration with our passionate eyewear enthusiast, Customer T, on Sunday, March 23, 2025, from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM at Takino River Flames (7-11-14 Takinogawa, Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan). This event is all about discovering a new version of yourself through the power of eyewear!
Event Inspiration
The idea for this event came from the extraordinary passion Customer T has for eyewear—a level of dedication that rivals even the pros! T’s fiery love for frames and his engaging storytelling inspired us to share this enthusiasm with more people. Combined with my own passion for avant-garde designs and cutting-edge gadgets, we’ve created a space where both classic eyewear lovers and gadget enthusiasts can come together and explore freely.
What’s in Store?
We’ve divided the event into two main zones:
- Classic Zone (featuring Classico and other timeless brands).
- Avant-Garde Zone (showcasing Kuboraum, other bold brands, and futuristic eyewear like Ray-Ban Meta).
You can freely try on any frame, take photos, and discover charms you never knew you had.
- 14:00–14:10: A special talk session where I’ll share my love for avant-garde and gadgets (with a touch of classic appreciation), and T will passionately talk about “Why I Fell in Love with Eyewear” and the world of his favorite frames.
- 17:30–18:00: A casual roundtable discussion led by T, where everyone can chat freely about “How did trying on these glasses change your mood today?” over tea and snacks.
A tatami mat area in the venue will create a relaxed vibe for talks and discussions—whether you slip into a classic frame for a calm, refined experience or dive into an avant-garde frame for an adventurous thrill, you’ll feel the transformation in real time. It’s going to be amazing!
Rough Schedule
- 11:00: Doors open
Freely try on classic and avant-garde frames. Monitors in the venue will play pre-recorded YouTube Shorts showcasing the stories behind the featured frames. - 14:00–14:10: Talk Session
“How Classic and Avant-Garde Frames Shape My Personality” – a 10-minute chat between me and T, sharing our passions. - 14:10–17:30: Try-on & Photo Time
Keep exploring, trying on, and snapping photos of your favorite frames. T and I will be on hand to offer advice and join in the fun. - 17:30–18:00: Roundtable Discussion
T will lead a laid-back chat about today’s eyewear experiences, with tea and snacks. - 18:00: Event ends, gradual cleanup.
SNS Promotion
We’ll be sharing updates on social media leading up to the event! From March 1 to March 22, we’ll post one YouTube Short per day—11 classic frames and 11 avant-garde & gadget frames, alternating between me and T.
- YouTube Short Format:
- Opening 5 seconds: Greetings and “Only X days until the event!” countdown.
- Middle 20–30 seconds: Holding the frame, explaining its highlights.
- Closing 5 seconds: “See you at Takinogawa on 3/23!”
- These will also be shared on Instagram Reels and X (Twitter) for broader reach. Check them out to get excited for the event!
Sample Announcement Post:
“Join us on 3/23 at @Takinogawa for an eyewear celebration!
Classic elegance (Classico-led) meets avant-garde & gadget innovation from Makoto Eyewear.
Hear from eyewear fanatic T and avant-garde lover Makoto in our 14:00 talk and 17:30 roundtable!
Daily 1-frame YouTube Shorts starting 3/1 ↓ Come discover a new you through eyewear!
Even if you’re not familiar with classic or avant-garde styles, trying on and experiencing these frames might reveal a surprising new side of yourself. We’d love for you to drop by, whether you’re eager to discover a new persona or just curious to take a peek.
True to the title “Eyewear Personality – Discovering a New Me,” we want to share the joy of discovering something new—whether it’s the calm, refined you in a classic frame or the adventurous you in an avant-garde design. There’s nothing more exciting than uncovering a new version of yourself through eyewear!
I’m thrilled to let my gadget passion and T’s deep eyewear love shine at this event. I can’t wait to see you on March 23, 2025 (Sunday) at Takino River Flames! Whether you want to explore a new persona or just check things out, come join us to dive into the “untapped power of eyewear.” Looking forward to meeting you there!
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*“Yesterday, I Went to Mars ♡”*
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